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AI empowered advanced space

A business space which will be the best option for future!

Astounding Blocks

In-standard with computerized India, Anthurium business park is the conceptualization and execution of cutting edge computerized space to make business workplaces a reality here. The business park is exceptional with artificial intelligence – prepared innovation to revamp the customary business strategies for the cutting edge labour force.


Bionic Bioclimatic Design


Anthurium business park sets out a Platinum evaluated Green Structure with Honey bee and Griha, and a Bionic Bioclimatic Engineering to adjust the climate inside the structure. The engineering worries about the environment as a significant context-oriented generator and is planned with harmless climate utilizing insignificant energy.

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Anthurium AI

LEVEL 5 Structure The executives Framework

The lofty structure of Anthurium business park follows the level 5 BMS guidelines to control the structure’s electrical and mechanical hardware including lighting, fire frameworks, power frameworks, ventilation and security frameworks.


Furnished with the exceptionally progressed security framework, Anthurium Business Park Noida gives you the most solid climate for business and the staff. The structure is 100 % agreeable complicated according to the IHAs standard with the best CCTV and reconnaissance framework.

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Mixture Of Business And Joy

You can find premium retail shops and bother free admittance to normal regions in the structure. Here you will track down the best-coordinated climate to partake in a gathering with your companions and shut ones, shop from rumored brands and work in workplaces with posh insides. So by and large, you will have a magnificent blend of business and joy.

Mechanical Parking


Our mechanized stack, staggered leaving frameworks offer mechanical vehicle leaving administrations for clients. Best utilization of room with our mechanical vehicle leaving framework where vehicles are recovered by utilizing beds and lifts. It accordingly disposes of the necessity for extended carports and slopes, obliging greatest vehicles in least space.


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