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Vastu Shastra are the literary piece of Vastu Vidya – the more extensive information about engineering and plan speculations from old India. Vastu Vidya is an assortment of thoughts and ideas, regardless of the help of format charts, that are not inflexible. Rather, these thoughts and ideas are models for the association of room and structure inside a structure or assortment of structures, in light of their capabilities corresponding to one another, their use and the general texture of the Vastu. Old Vastu Shastra standards incorporate those for the plan of Mandir (Hindu sanctuaries), and the standards for the plan and design of houses, towns, urban communities, gardens, streets, water works, shops and other public regions.

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Basic vastu Tips For Your New Home:

Room Shape: One of the Vastu tips for new home is to really look at the state of the rooms. According to Vastu for home the house ought to ideally be in a state of a square or rectangular.

Essential Vastu for Room: The rooms of the house ought to be sufficiently bright, breezy, and clean.

About Furnishings: According to Vastu for home your weighty furniture like bed, cabinet ought to be kept in the South-west course. A fast vastu tip for new house is to fabricate steps in the south-west heading.

Water According to Vastu: A significant vastu tip for home is to keep plants and water mediums like a water painting, wellspring, and aquarium and so on.

Vastu Way to dine Table: A significant vastu for home for your feasting space is it ought not be close to the fundamental entryway.

Main Entrance: According to Vastu tips for new home, the house’s primary entry isn’t just the section point of the family yet additionally for energy and energies. The principal passage point of your home ought to confront the north, east, or upper east heading. It should be underlying a way that when you step out, you face the north, east, or upper east heading. Prior to purchasing or building a house, ensure the arrangement centres around these specific headings.

Kitchen:  As per Vastu Shastra, the Master of Fire — Agni — wins in the southeast course of the home, and that implies that the ideal situation of the kitchen is the southeast bearing of your home. If under any circumstance, you can’t do as such, the north-west heading will work.

Kitchen machines and things like gas, oven, microwave, and toaster oven among others that address fire ought to be situated in the upper east region of the kitchen. This would guarantee the progression of positive energy in the house.

Wash bowls and cooking machines, for example, gas and ovens ought not be situated on similar stage as they have restricting impacts that might struggle with one another and could antagonistically affect the house and the relatives.

Situation of wash bowls and water lines ought to be finished in the upper east region of the kitchen space. It is fundamental for give things addressing fire and water their suitable space to guarantee wellbeing and thriving.

Cooler ought to look in the southwest course. This would establish a quiet climate in the home and assist relatives with beating deterrents that might come in their manner.

Capacity cupboard ought to be situated in the southwest course of the kitchen space. Doing so would guarantee best of luck and flourishing in the house.

A kitchen ought to have windows to dispose of the negative energy. This is an important step while choosing the area of the kitchen.


The utilization of splendid varieties like yellow, red, and orange for the kitchen space assists with helping positive energy.

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Shop: A shop planned on the standards of Vastu Shastra carries achievement and flourishing to retail organizations. Vastu has explicit tips for insides of a shop design, entry, outsides, and space game plan with the goal that the business draws in additional clients and benefit, and guarantees true serenity for the proprietors. The following are a couple of tips to set up the insides of a shop according to Vastu. As per Vastu Shastra, the best shape for a shop (counting a shop, retail outlet, departmental store, and display area) is square or rectangular. The length of a shop ought to be under two to over twice its width, and that implies a shop with a width of 20 feet can have a length up to 50 feet. Unpredictable shapes are great in the event that the upper east or southwest corners are broadened.


While developing an office or any business building, it is fundamental to follow the Vastu standards to guarantee thriving and best of luck. For a business working in the help business, the east might be reasonable. The north bearing, which is controlled by the ruler of riches, Kuber, is great for a benefit making business. The headings of north, upper east and northwest might be great for certain organizations. Besides, while choosing an area for an office, ensure the property is encircled by running streets.

According to Vastu shastra for office, business people ought to sit confronting the north, east or north-east, as these bearings are said to empower development and fresh starts. Individuals who are in promoting or deals, ought to follow Vastu for office seating to acquire greatest advantages. They should confront the north-east course, to guarantee proactiveness. According to office vastu, their sitting position can be in a northwest heading. Account division authorities ought to sit in the south-eastern corner and ought to confront the north-east bearing, as suggested in Vastu rules for office seating.

Individuals in positions of authority, ought to have a lodge in the west bearing and face the north-east course, according to Vastu shastra for office. Entrepreneurs ought to sit confronting the east or north headings. Likewise, there ought to be a strong wall behind the seat and not a wooden divider or shade. Supervisors, chiefs and leaders ought to sit in the south-west, south or west corner of the workplace. This sort of Vastu game plan for office seating will assist the labor force with taking better choices.

It is significant for individuals working in the workplace to consider the suggested sitting bearing according to Vastu. Representatives should confront the north or east while working in the workplace, as it further develops efficiency. They should not be pointing toward the south while working. Workers shouldn’t sit straightforwardly under a light shaft. On the off chance that it is inescapable, it very well may be covered with a wooden board.

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